Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey with these poetry books!
The Joy in the Morning and a New Day Begins
Start your day right by reading the exciting and soul-enriching poetic pieces in Doris Washington's The Joy in the Morning and a New Day Begins. Whether you're yearning for hope, joy, love or faith, this read will definitely brighten up your day from the beginning of dawn all the way to the moment when you turn off the lights on your night stand.
A Time, A Season and
Always LoveA Time, A Season and Always Love are poems and inspirational messages that encourage the reader to always hope- to have faith no matter the challenges in life
The Way of Love
As we hope for a brighter tomorrow.
May we see that even when the sun does not
Shine each day as we awake,
That we can find - Love.
And may each of us discover that love is always
Inside our hearts ready to shine,
No matter what each day so brings.
For love is not measured by how much wealth
Or material value we may possess.
But more so by the love one gives from the heart open wide.
As we hope for a brighter tomorrow.
May His peace surround us always.
And may we come to know only
His Grace- His Way of Love.
Doris Washington March 2015
Doris Washington is a spiritual writer, author, poet, and disability advocate who resides in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with her husband and son John. Doris takes the inspiration from her poetry from an unfortunate incident that involved her 18-year-old son with autism, and two police officers in December 1993. This incident impacted Doris' life greatly. She was empowered to advocate for a statewide program for police officers to be aware of and recognize persons with special needs. And it was through this period of Doris' life her writing began.
Her son is her inspiration to write. She has written over 450 poems about her closeness with God, spirituality, autism awareness, inspirations, positive thinking, social issues in our world, and greetings. She is an entrepreneur of DORIS' POEMS. She does poetry readings at nursing homes, and residential home facilities, churches, and the community. Her poems continue to inspire many. Her desire hopes that her poetry will be an inspiration for the world.
In Due Season, one of the poems from the book Faith, Hope & Love Poems of Inspiration has been posted on BLACK PEARLS MAGAZINE BLOG of Washington DC area. The poem is in TWITTER and FACEBOOK. Please click on link below.
The Beauty of Love

The Beauty of Love As you love, you live fulfilled.
And as you give love, you encourage
Others to give too.
But remember, there are times when love
May not be accepted or received by some.
And sometimes you may feel if it's worth the try.
But just stop and think
As you turn a negative situation
To a positive one,
You'll find much peace, much joy
You can ever imagine when you always
Answer to your heart.
Can you ever imagine anything greater?
For that's-
The Beauty of Love
Doris Washington March 2015
This Day Today

Beyond The Sunset As I look beyond the beautiful skies-
Before the night begins to fall-
I hold on to hope for brighter tomorrows.
Where hope lies-
I believe we can hold on to love.
For hope invites us to know- Love!
Love! is our true salvation.
Love will never fail us-
Only encourages us to see its beauty-
To give the best of ourselves-
To always answer to our hearts.
Love will always be there
For each of us to embrace.
And as we come to love
One another -
To believe in its promise.
Love! we can come to know-
Beyond the Sunset
Doris Washington 2016
Where There's Hope- There's Love

Where’s There’s Hope- There’s Love
There are days when the sun does not shine.
And sometimes there will be clouds
And the rain will follow.
But where There’s Hope- There’s Love.
For even at those most difficult times,
And the rain seems as though it will never end.
Believe there’s always Hope-
And the Love He has for you.
Life’s most difficult challenge is-
A test of faith.
And as you endure-
He will see you through.
You will survive!
For even on those most cloudy of days-
Believe that the sun will shine tomorrow.
Doris Washington
I Wish to Live Life

A Daily Prayer Poem
Dear Lord I Pray-
You give me strength for each day.
Guide me when I'm lost.
Hold my hand when I'm afraid.
Heal me from the hurt and the pain.
Help me let go of things I cannot change.
Anoint my spirit to always do what is right.
Teach me - show me Your Way.
Dear Lord-This I Pray!
Doris Washington
As We Begin Again

One must be content in what gives them
Fulfillment - happiness.
To make your own choices in life
Is what's most important -
To finding peace in the decisions that you make.
As you follow your passion in all you wish to be -
Rise above the disappointments -
And never give up.
Peace and joy you'll have.
For when you follow your passion -
Believe with faith -
And answer to your heart -
Happiness - will always be yours.
Doris Washington 2022